Sefer ... Sofer ... Sipur • It’s the Book • It’s the Writer • It’s the Story The Sofrim of Sofer On Site are famed as Key-Note speakers, Storytellers and Lectures. Listening to a topic delivered by one of our speakers is always insightful, engaging, meaningful and often humorous. Our Sofrim can lecture on many subjects however here is a short list of suggested topics for classes, discussion groups and lectures for larger audiences. These titles should be used as a base to structure the program you desire. Learning and Lecture Opportunities Mysteries of the Hebrew Letters. Can letters be more than just a tool for language? Revealing the secrets beyond what you see at first glance. Beyond the artistic beauty of their shapes, woven into these letters are deep and inspirational meanings that provide lessons and guidance for living. But then, would you expect anything less from G-dly letters? Become a Leader: Are you born with leadership qualities? What defines someone as a leader? Would you know one, if you saw one? But most importantly, what makes someone worth following? Unfold these dramatic and often surprising concepts on who is a true leader, and in the end - would you follow yourself? Discover the key to becoming the next Moses! Good luck and happy leading. Rule #1 - Be Thankful Modeh Ani: The wisdom and insight behind the famous prayer we say each morning as taught according to PaRDeS. The Pardes system of exegesis, understanding of Biblical text in Judaism is divided among peshat (simple meaning), remez (hints, clues), derash (interpretation) and sod (mystical, lit. "secret")}. Be inspired and be truly grateful! The Secrets of the Sh’ma: Congregations chant it, Jews have died saying it, some whisper it, and all know this to be the pinnacle essential creed of Judaism. What is its hidden meaning that has inspired the Jewish nation throughout history? The answer may be greater than you expected! Rosh Chodesh - Women’s Learning: Jewish Woman and the impact they have had on the cradle of our religion. Jewish Feminism - Is there such a thing? A deeper insight into the better half of man. Gematria - What’s Your Number? The Torah as a mathematical code - Gematria, with a crystal clear out-look. Counting sand or sapphires - you choose, but can numbers give your life meaning and value? Dress Me Up and Take Me Out: And I thought only people get dressed? Why do we dress a Torah and from where is this custom originated? Torah decorations, ornaments and just being well dressed will unfold before your eyes as we delve into this ancient tradition that transcend time. The Making of a Torah: From birth to marriage, from cow to Torah, come and explore this ancient and fascinating art while using the latest digital technology. The old and new come together to create a G-dly instrument. Jewish Money and Spiritual Credit: Money comes and Money goes but can we keep what we earn, and is it really ours? Yes there is a way to have your cake and eat it! Find out in the Jewish way of “Money Permanent Management.” The Torah, Its Relevance in Our Days: “But we live in the modern times”… sounds familiar? This statement is also over 3000 years old! And furthermore, how can a 3000 year old book make sense of our year 2012? But then again is it really only another “book”? Come and explore the hidden and reveled paths to finding guidance and meaning for our day and age. Health, Kabala, and Hebrew Letters: How can we make sense of our health? Is it all just a coincidence with no one to blame? Even a leaf does not fall from the tree without a divine reason. The Ba’al Shem Tov and other Jewish mystic masters have taught the connection between our physical and spiritual existence and how they are connected through the Hebrew letters. Tzu Gezunt! What's the Meaning of Your Name? Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?” When creation was finished, Man was instructed to give names and distinctiveness to all the animals. When a child is born, it is the parents’ first gift a name that becomes an identity. Learn how Jewish names are collections of stories, events, namesakes, actions and Jewish symbolism. So what’s your name? Kosher Magic: Have you seen a real Magician your whole life and didn’t notice him? You can (if you wish) touch the infinite, make an object appear out of nowhere, and (really) see nothingness... It’s Jewish Magic at it’s best & Kosher! Wow, this is a program not to miss! Lettering Our Legacy; Make Your Mark: Can we really leave an everlasting and purposeful mark in this world. A very lofty idea with down to earth realities. Are all marks the same and how about half a mark? When does it begin and does it ever end? Come and join us on a Journey not of self discovery but rather towards completing our goal and reason for existence. Adam, Jacob, Tesla and You: Do you know what the last story of the Torah is, or what is the last Mitzvah (commandment) of the Torah? Learn how the Torah is not just the story of events in our history, but how the Mitzvot are woven into that storyline. How can a Mitzvah resonate with us in our minds, our hearts and deeds? A Little Scribble Here; A Little Scribble There: Why are there laws on how to write the letters of the Torah? What happens if one letter is wrong in a Torah? If a talented artist wants to write a Sefer Torah, is it permissible? What is the most important skill needed to write a Torah scroll? Can YOU write a Torah? Tune In, Turn On: We all have the spark we just have to give it more fuel! Explore questions pertaining to personal spirituality and holiness. How do we understand them perhaps differently from the rest of the world? Can I be ignited? The Torah: The world’s first Tourist Guide (over 3000 years old) Don't we all like to be given clear directions and along with some juicy insights? It's a well- respected job to lead and guide others, yet who founded this profession? Ready for a journey like non-other? Hop aboard as a tourist, just to find out that you have become part of the props! Learn to navigate the twists of historical relics, weave its wonder into your daily life, watch as it will enhance the moral code of our destiny. It is a journey to last a lifetime!
SOFER ON SITE INTERNATIONAL Torah is the prized inheritance of the Jewish people. It moves, motivates, and unites us as a nation. For 3,000 years we have learned to live our lives through the teachings, guidance and message of Torah. We search for new ways to bring ourselves closer to it. At Sofer On Site , we are honored to provide beautiful STa’M of the highest Halachic standards, while bringing Torah’s timeless lessons to you, and inspiring generations to come. Ready for a Sofer On Site experience? Call us today!
BUSINESS HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Weekend & Jewish Holidays: Closed
CONTACT INFO Address: 991 North Miami Beach Blvd. N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 Phone: 305-770-3481 Fax: 305-770-4204 Email: For updates, sales, news and other exciting opportunities follow us on Social Media. Want us to get back to you? Click Here
Sefer ... Sofer ... Sipur • It’s the Book • It’s the Writer • It’s the Story The Sofrim of Sofer On Site are famed as Key-Note speakers, Storytellers and Lectures. Listening to a topic delivered by one of our speakers is always insightful, engaging, meaningful and often humorous. Our Sofrim can lecture on many subjects however here is a short list of suggested topics for classes, discussion groups and lectures for larger audiences. These titles should be used as a base to structure the program you desire. Learning and Lecture Opportunities Mysteries of the Hebrew Letters. Can letters be more than just a tool for language? Revealing the secrets beyond what you see at first glance. Beyond the artistic beauty of their shapes, woven into these letters are deep and inspirational meanings that provide lessons and guidance for living. But then, would you expect anything less from G-dly letters? Become a Leader: Are you born with leadership qualities? What defines someone as a leader? Would you know one, if you saw one? But most importantly, what makes someone worth following? Unfold these dramatic and often surprising concepts on who is a true leader, and in the end - would you follow yourself? Discover the key to becoming the next Moses! Good luck and happy leading. Rule #1 - Be Thankful Modeh Ani: The wisdom and insight behind the famous prayer we say each morning as taught according to PaRDeS. The Pardes system of exegesis, understanding of Biblical text in Judaism is divided among peshat (simple meaning), remez (hints, clues), derash (interpretation) and sod (mystical, lit. "secret")}. Be inspired and be truly grateful! The Secrets of the Sh’ma: Congregations chant it, Jews have died saying it, some whisper it, and all know this to be the pinnacle essential creed of Judaism. What is its hidden meaning that has inspired the Jewish nation throughout history? The answer may be greater than you expected! Rosh Chodesh - Women’s Learning: Jewish Woman and the impact they have had on the cradle of our religion. Jewish Feminism - Is there such a thing? A deeper insight into the better half of man. Gematria - What’s Your Number? The Torah as a mathematical code - Gematria, with a crystal clear out- look. Counting sand or sapphires - you choose, but can numbers give your life meaning and value? Dress Me Up and Take Me Out: And I thought only people get dressed? Why do we dress a Torah and from where is this custom originated? Torah decorations, ornaments and just being well dressed will unfold before your eyes as we delve into this ancient tradition that transcend time. The Making of a Torah: From birth to marriage, from cow to Torah, come and explore this ancient and fascinating art while using the latest digital technology. The old and new come together to create a G-dly instrument. Jewish Money and Spiritual Credit: Money comes and Money goes but can we keep what we earn, and is it really ours? Yes there is a way to have your cake and eat it! Find out in the Jewish way of “Money Permanent Management.” The Torah, Its Relevance in Our Days: “But we live in the modern times”… sounds familiar? This statement is also over 3000 years old! And furthermore, how can a 3000 year old book make sense of our year 2012? But then again is it really only another “book”? Come and explore the hidden and reveled paths to finding guidance and meaning for our day and age. Health, Kabala, and Hebrew Letters: How can we make sense of our health? Is it all just a coincidence with no one to blame? Even a leaf does not fall from the tree without a divine reason. The Ba’al Shem Tov and other Jewish mystic masters have taught the connection between our physical and spiritual existence and how they are connected through the Hebrew letters. Tzu Gezunt! What's the Meaning of Your Name? Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?” When creation was finished, Man was instructed to give names and distinctiveness to all the animals. When a child is born, it is the parents’ first gift a name that becomes an identity. Learn how Jewish names are collections of stories, events, namesakes, actions and Jewish symbolism. So what’s your name? Kosher Magic: Have you seen a real Magician your whole life and didn’t notice him? You can (if you wish) touch the infinite, make an object appear out of nowhere, and (really) see nothingness... It’s Jewish Magic at it’s best & Kosher! Wow, this is a program not to miss! Lettering Our Legacy; Make Your Mark: Can we really leave an everlasting and purposeful mark in this world. A very lofty idea with down to earth realities. Are all marks the same and how about half a mark? When does it begin and does it ever end? Come and join us on a Journey not of self discovery but rather towards completing our goal and reason for existence. Adam, Jacob, Tesla and You: Do you know what the last story of the Torah is, or what is the last Mitzvah (commandment) of the Torah? Learn how the Torah is not just the story of events in our history, but how the Mitzvot are woven into that storyline. How can a Mitzvah resonate with us in our minds, our hearts and deeds? A Little Scribble Here; A Little Scribble There: Why are there laws on how to write the letters of the Torah? What happens if one letter is wrong in a Torah? If a talented artist wants to write a Sefer Torah, is it permissible? What is the most important skill needed to write a Torah scroll? Can YOU write a Torah? Tune In, Turn On: We all have the spark we just have to give it more fuel! Explore questions pertaining to personal spirituality and holiness. How do we understand them perhaps differently from the rest of the world? Can I be ignited? The Torah: The world’s first Tourist Guide (over 3000 years old) Don't we all like to be given clear directions and along with some juicy insights? It's a well-respected job to lead and guide others, yet who founded this profession? Ready for a journey like non-other? Hop aboard as a tourist, just to find out that you have become part of the props! Learn to navigate the twists of historical relics, weave its wonder into your daily life, watch as it will enhance the moral code of our destiny. It is a journey to last a lifetime!
SOFER ON SITE INTERNATIONAL Torah is the prized inheritance of the Jewish people. It moves, motivates, and unites us as a nation. For 3,000 years we have learned to live our lives through the teachings, guidance and message of Torah. We search for new ways to bring ourselves closer to it. At Sofer On Site , we are honored to provide beautiful STa’M of the highest Halachic standards, while bringing Torah’s timeless lessons to you, and inspiring generations to come. Ready for a Sofer On Site experience? Call us today!
BUSINESS HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Weekend & Jewish Holidays: Closed
CONTACT INFO Address: 991 North Miami Beach Blvd. N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 Phone: 305-770-3481 Fax: 305-770-4204 Email: For updates, sales, news and other exciting opportunities follow us on Social Media. Want us to get back to you? Click Here
Sefer ... Sofer ... Sipur • It’s the Book • It’s the Writer • It’s the Story The Sofrim of Sofer On Site are famed as Key-Note speakers, Storytellers and Lectures. Listening to a topic delivered by one of our speakers is always insightful, engaging, meaningful and often humorous. Our Sofrim can lecture on many subjects however here is a short list of suggested topics for classes, discussion groups and lectures for larger audiences. These titles should be used as a base to structure the program you desire. Learning and Lecture Opportunities Mysteries of the Hebrew Letters. Can letters be more than just a tool for language? Revealing the secrets beyond what you see at first glance. Beyond the artistic beauty of their shapes, woven into these letters are deep and inspirational meanings that provide lessons and guidance for living. But then, would you expect anything less from G-dly letters? Become a Leader: Are you born with leadership qualities? What defines someone as a leader? Would you know one, if you saw one? But most importantly, what makes someone worth following? Unfold these dramatic and often surprising concepts on who is a true leader, and in the end - would you follow yourself? Discover the key to becoming the next Moses! Good luck and happy leading. Rule #1 - Be Thankful Modeh Ani: The wisdom and insight behind the famous prayer we say each morning as taught according to PaRDeS. The Pardes system of exegesis, understanding of Biblical text in Judaism is divided among peshat (simple meaning), remez (hints, clues), derash (interpretation) and sod (mystical, lit. "secret")}. Be inspired and be truly grateful! The Secrets of the Sh’ma: Congregations chant it, Jews have died saying it, some whisper it, and all know this to be the pinnacle essential creed of Judaism. What is its hidden meaning that has inspired the Jewish nation throughout history? The answer may be greater than you expected! Rosh Chodesh - Women’s Learning: Jewish Woman and the impact they have had on the cradle of our religion. Jewish Feminism - Is there such a thing? A deeper insight into the better half of man. Gematria - What’s Your Number? The Torah as a mathematical code - Gematria, with a crystal clear out-look. Counting sand or sapphires - you choose, but can numbers give your life meaning and value? Dress Me Up and Take Me Out: And I thought only people get dressed? Why do we dress a Torah and from where is this custom originated? Torah decorations, ornaments and just being well dressed will unfold before your eyes as we delve into this ancient tradition that transcend time. The Making of a Torah: From birth to marriage, from cow to Torah, come and explore this ancient and fascinating art while using the latest digital technology. The old and new come together to create a G-dly instrument. Jewish Money and Spiritual Credit: Money comes and Money goes but can we keep what we earn, and is it really ours? Yes there is a way to have your cake and eat it! Find out in the Jewish way of “Money Permanent Management.” The Torah, Its Relevance in Our Days: “But we live in the modern times”… sounds familiar? This statement is also over 3000 years old! And furthermore, how can a 3000 year old book make sense of our year 2012? But then again is it really only another “book”? Come and explore the hidden and reveled paths to finding guidance and meaning for our day and age. Health, Kabala, and Hebrew Letters: How can we make sense of our health? Is it all just a coincidence with no one to blame? Even a leaf does not fall from the tree without a divine reason. The Ba’al Shem Tov and other Jewish mystic masters have taught the connection between our physical and spiritual existence and how they are connected through the Hebrew letters. Tzu Gezunt! What's the Meaning of Your Name? Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?” When creation was finished, Man was instructed to give names and distinctiveness to all the animals. When a child is born, it is the parents’ first gift a name that becomes an identity. Learn how Jewish names are collections of stories, events, namesakes, actions and Jewish symbolism. So what’s your name? Kosher Magic: Have you seen a real Magician your whole life and didn’t notice him? You can (if you wish) touch the infinite, make an object appear out of nowhere, and (really) see nothingness... It’s Jewish Magic at it’s best & Kosher! Wow, this is a program not to miss! Lettering Our Legacy; Make Your Mark: Can we really leave an everlasting and purposeful mark in this world. A very lofty idea with down to earth realities. Are all marks the same and how about half a mark? When does it begin and does it ever end? Come and join us on a Journey not of self discovery but rather towards completing our goal and reason for existence. Adam, Jacob, Tesla and You: Do you know what the last story of the Torah is, or what is the last Mitzvah (commandment) of the Torah? Learn how the Torah is not just the story of events in our history, but how the Mitzvot are woven into that storyline. How can a Mitzvah resonate with us in our minds, our hearts and deeds? A Little Scribble Here; A Little Scribble There: Why are there laws on how to write the letters of the Torah? What happens if one letter is wrong in a Torah? If a talented artist wants to write a Sefer Torah, is it permissible? What is the most important skill needed to write a Torah scroll? Can YOU write a Torah? Tune In, Turn On: We all have the spark we just have to give it more fuel! Explore questions pertaining to personal spirituality and holiness. How do we understand them perhaps differently from the rest of the world? Can I be ignited? The Torah: The world’s first Tourist Guide (over 3000 years old) Don't we all like to be given clear directions and along with some juicy insights? It's a well-respected job to lead and guide others, yet who founded this profession? Ready for a journey like non-other? Hop aboard as a tourist, just to find out that you have become part of the props! Learn to navigate the twists of historical relics, weave its wonder into your daily life, watch as it will enhance the moral code of our destiny. It is a journey to last a lifetime!
SOFER ON SITE INTERNATIONAL Torah is the prized inheritance of the Jewish people. It moves, motivates, and unites us as a nation. For 3,000 years we have learned to live our lives through the teachings, guidance and message of Torah. We search for new ways to bring ourselves closer to it. At Sofer On Site , we are honored to provide beautiful STa’M of the highest Halachic standards, while bringing Torah’s timeless lessons to you, and inspiring generations to come. Ready for a Sofer On Site experience? Call us today!
BUSINESS HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Weekend & Jewish Holidays: Closed
CONTACT INFO Address: 991 North Miami Beach Blvd. N. Miami Beach, FL 33162 Phone: 305-770-3481 Fax: 305-770-4204 Email: For updates, sales, news and other exciting opportunities follow us on Social Media. Want us to get back to you? Click Here
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